Eve Le Crosse is making her way to the strip in her 1968 M&M 3-way.
Kri Kendal in her 1965 limo and Alderic Massé in his 1966 M&M 3-way are also making their way to the strip.
Mark Villarino is gearing up for position in his 1968 M&M end-loader.
Here goes Ronnie's 1959 Superior side-loader and Rock's Pontiac in the back ground.
This was sent in by John A. Lucier with the following message:
Okay, all- I was referred to this website by a sweet girl in San Diego named
"Dolly"- I recently acquired, freshly snatched from the jaws of the crusher, a
1965 Caddy Hearse that had been converted in the late seventies/early eighties
into a limousine titled "club dead".. To Start, as a Corvette owner, I know
purists may cringe- keep in mind that since buying it in July, I've been
tearing gaudy add-ons off, and fixing it up- the "convertor" was a local radio
clown named "captain sticky".. the roof was cut out, a large casket shaped
buildup added, and topped with a giant tinted plexi dome- a split level dance
floor and mucho neon, inside and out, all works- after hundreds of hours of my
own labor, (I compete in IASCA sanctioned Caraudio Competition in the 'Vette-
Expert Unlimited..) the car is registered, insured, and fully legal. I'll send
a couple of pix- let me know if you have any interest in my applying for
membership- mainly want to get together with other hearse owners...Here's the
first of a couple of attached jpg.'s..also, my corvette is on
www.teamrocs.com- installs, then click onto "batvette..." qualified for world
finals last year....John A. Lucier..San Diego.
Is this thing something else or what? Now THIS is a PARTY hearse.
This Ford Model A hearse was found by member John Koresko.
Everything on this car was original except the tires.
Just check out the original green mohair interior.
This was a nice 67 Superior side-loader that was for sale many, many months ago.