Cameron Deveney, Windsor, PA
Here is my girl, a 1969 S&S Cadillac hearse. I got her a few months ago. This is my dream car. I collect Halloween goodies, with an entire room in my basement completely set up w/ my stuff. I also do airbrushing so that pulls me a bit into the automobile fascination. And finally, I , too, was "born" in 1969, so you can imagine my joy when I saw her in the paper. I bought her that same day & drove her home. The first thing that goes in is an extremely loud stereo system, along with some custom airbrushing here & there to personalize her. She will probably never see a frame off restoration, but as time & money allow, I will get some body & mechanical work done here & there. I look forward to the summers when my 4 yr old & I can go cruising in her. Do chicks dig hearses? Either way, I'm a lucky dawg!